M. Deictic gestures and words for person reference in early development: a window on the links between meaningful motor action, cognition and language (Comunicazione a convegno)

  • M. Deictic gestures and words for person reference in early development: a window on the links between meaningful motor action, cognition and language (Comunicazione a convegno) (literal)
  • 2005-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Pizzuto, E. & Capobianco (2005)
    M. Deictic gestures and words for person reference in early development: a window on the links between meaningful motor action, cognition and language
    in International European Science Foundation Workshop on Person Perception in Infancy: Integrating Developmental and Comparative Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology of Language and Communication, Leipzig, Germany
  • Pizzuto, E. & Capobianco (literal)
  • Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, June 27-29, 2005 (literal)
  • Abstract: The aim of this paper is to contribute to clarify the relationship between gesture (conceived as a particular kind of meaningful motor action), cognition, and language through an investigation of the ontogeny and development of deictic, person reference devices in the gestural and vocal modalities. We present and discuss longitudinal data on the spontaneous gestural and vocal productions of seven Italian children observed from 12-13 through 24-25 months of age. The major question we address is whether, in the acquisition of spoken languages, gestural and vocal devices for person reference develop somewhat in parallel, thus suggesting that they rely on a common substrate, or rather follow different developmental patterns, indicating the existence of different underlying mechanisms. Our findings show that, contrary to what is commonly assumed, the gestural expression of person reference, much as its vocal counterpart, relies on cognitive processes that are inherently linked to linguistic communication, regardless of the modality through which this is accomplished (and also of the signed or spoken language system that is being acquired). The implications of our results for a clearer understanding of the relationship between gesture, cognition and language, and of the developmental processes that characterize the acquisition of spoken and signed languages are discussed. (literal)
  • M. Deictic gestures and words for person reference in early development: a window on the links between meaningful motor action, cognition and language (literal)
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