Analisi delle esperienze e dei progetti di ICT in sanita': primi risultati (Rapporti tecnici/preprint/working paper)

  • Analisi delle esperienze e dei progetti di ICT in sanita': primi risultati (Rapporti tecnici/preprint/working paper) (literal)
  • 2003-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Ricci Fabrizio L., Luzi Daniela (2003)
    Analisi delle esperienze e dei progetti di ICT in sanita': primi risultati
  • Ricci Fabrizio L., Luzi Daniela (literal)
  • Working paper Irpps, n. 03/4 (literal)
  • 4 (literal)
  • Ricci Fabrizio L., Luzi Daniela (literal)
  • Ricci Fabrizio L., Luzi Daniela (literal)
  • The project OSIRIS aims to develop a framework of collaboration and transfer of know-how among people working in the ICTs in the field of healthcare. In this field it is necessary to gather and manage the information and description on Italian and European experiences and projects as well as to collect the technical documentation related to their results. Aim of this paper is to describe the first results of a preliminary survey on ICT projects carried out in Italian health care context. The analysis takes into account: · The experiences gathered during the award in the Forum of Pubblic Administration 2003 (Forum P.A.); · Projects with Italian partecipation financially supported by the European Commission within the V Framework (VPQ, 1999-2002); · Prjects which are funded by the Italian Ministery of Health (ex art. 12) in the period 2000-2002. Through this analysis it will be possible to plan and design an information system in this field in a more detailed way. (literal)
  • Ricci Fabrizio L., Luzi Daniela: IRPPS-CNR (literal)
  • Analisi delle esperienze e dei progetti di ICT in sanita': primi risultati (literal)
  • Altro (literal)
  • The project OSIRIS aims to develop a framework of collaboration and transfer of know-how among people working in the ICTs in the field of healthcare. In this field it is necessary to gather and manage the information and description on Italian and European experiences and projects as well as to collect the technical documentation related to their results. Aim of this paper is to describe the first results of a preliminary survey on ICT projects carried out in Italian health care context. The analysis takes into account: · The experiences gathered during the award in the Forum of Pubblic Administration 2003 (Forum P.A.); · Projects with Italian partecipation financially supported by the European Commission within the V Framework (VPQ, 1999-2002); · Prjects which are funded by the Italian Ministery of Health (ex art. 12) in the period 2000-2002. Through this analysis it will be possible to plan and design an information system in this field in a more detailed way. (literal)
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