Digital Control Design and simulation in hydraulics. An integrated approach (Contributo in atti di convegno)

  • Digital Control Design and simulation in hydraulics. An integrated approach (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
  • 2004-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Massimo Martelli ; Massimiliano Ruggeri (2004)
    Digital Control Design and simulation in hydraulics. An integrated approach
    in 3rd FPNI, PHD Symposium on Fluid Power. Spain, Luglio 2004, Barcellona, p. 349-356, Barcellona, Spain, lUGLIO 2004
  • Massimo Martelli ; Massimiliano Ruggeri (literal)
  • IMAMOTER - CNR; IMAMOTER - CNR; (literal)
  • Digital Control Design and simulation in hydraulics. An integrated approach (literal)
  • 84-609-1354-6 (literal)
  • The traditional approach to control systems design with assistance of numerical simulation is usually oriented towards the definition of an optimal control strategy in an idealized mathematical environment, amended with a few real system elements such as input/output quantization, input sampling and time delays. On the contrary, some characteristic elements of the final implementation on a target industrial application, specially in the range of low-cost microcontroller-based control systems, are neglected in simulation, leading to a separated re-coding of the control strategy for the target application before the beginning of the testing phase and therefore creating a gap between the concept and implementation sides of the problem. The proposed approach implies a more comprehensive evaluation of the real system in the simulation environment, by means of a direct usage of the final microcontroller ANSI-C code in the simulated model; it has been successfully applied to the EASY5 simulation environment to develop and verify an automotive electronic control unit, based on an 8-bit RISC microcontroller, for a hydrostatic transmission. (literal)
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