Pentacene Thin Film Growth (Articolo in rivista)
- Type
- Label
- Pentacene Thin Film Growth (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
- Anno
- 2004-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Http://
- 10.1021/cm049563q (literal)
- Alternative label
Ruiz, R.a ; Choudhary, D.b; Nickel, B.c; Toccoli, T.d; Chang, K.-C.a; Mayer, A.C.a; Clancy, P.b; Blakely, J.M.a; Headrick, R.L.e; Iannotta, S.d; Malliaras, G.G.a (2004)
Pentacene Thin Film Growth
in Chemistry of materials; ACS, American chemical society, Washington, DC (Stati Uniti d'America)
- Http://
- Ruiz, R.a ; Choudhary, D.b; Nickel, B.c; Toccoli, T.d; Chang, K.-C.a; Mayer, A.C.a; Clancy, P.b; Blakely, J.M.a; Headrick, R.L.e; Iannotta, S.d; Malliaras, G.G.a (literal)
- Pagina inizio
- Pagina fine
- Http://
- (literal)
- Http://
- Rivista
- Http://
- Note
- Scopu (literal)
- ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
- Http://
- a Mat. Sci. and Engineering Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-1501, United States
b Chem. and Biomol. Eng. Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-1501, United States
c Department für Physik and CeNS, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
d IFN Ist. Fotonica Nanotecnologie S., Povo Trento, Italy
e Department of Physics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, United States (literal)
- Titolo
- Pentacene Thin Film Growth (literal)
- Abstract
- Pentacene stands out as a model molecule among organic semiconductors due to its ability to form well-ordered films that show a high field effect mobility. We discuss the processes involved in pentacene film growth, emphasizing differences with respect to inorganic films. The influence of growth parameters such as the substrate nature and temperature, the deposition rate, and the kinetic energy of the molecular beam on the structure and morphology of pentacene films are discussed. Finally, we overview recent attempts to model pentacene film nucleation and growth, and draw attention to the role of dislocations. (literal)
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- Autore CNR
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