Proposal alla call JPI HERITAGE + : Cultural Heritage Open Laboratory System - CHeLabS (Altro prodotto)
- Type
- Label
- Proposal alla call JPI HERITAGE + : Cultural Heritage Open Laboratory System - CHeLabS (Altro prodotto) (literal)
- Anno
- 2014-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
- Http://
- Paolo Salonia, Paola Calicchia, Luca Pitolli (literal)
- Http://
- ITABC - Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali
IDASC - Istituto di Acustica e Sensoristica \"Orso Mario Corbino\"
ISC - Istituto dei sistemi complessi (literal)
- Titolo
- Proposal alla call JPI HERITAGE + : Cultural Heritage Open Laboratory System - CHeLabS (literal)
- Descrizione sintetica
- Pre-proposal sottomesso alla call JPI HERTAGE +.
Partenariato ITALIA, FRANCIA, PORTOGALLO, ROMANIA; coordinamento Italiano CNR.
Ottenuto un punteggio di 9/15, non è passato alla seconda fase di valutazione. (literal)
- Abstract
- The main aim of the project is to constitute a suitable context for cross-disciplinary multi-scale knowledge and data sharing in the domain of Cultural Heritage safeguarding processes. A systemic approach will be established for the enhancement of research-based knowledge oriented
towards potential conservation actions, stimulating the synergy between different stakeholders.
Technological and methodological advancement are enhanced through a systematic in situ experimentation, a fundamental phase of the innovation process in the Cultural Heritage domain.
A demonstrator model of an innovative distributed Research Infrastructure, in the domain of Cultural Heritage safeguarding processes, called CHeLabS, will establish a system of sites belonging to the European Cultural asset. Equipped with suitable instrumental devices, it constitutes a
scalable model of Cultural Heritage Open Laboratory System. Policies for open access and open data shall be adopted.
Harmonized protocols and procedures will be implemented for constant monitoring of parameters relevant to risk - decay process assessment, programming periodic tests for specific problem solving, and validation of innovative instrumentations/models. The open access to external users will
guarantee the integration of a great amount of information on both tangible and intangible CH issues of different origin and nature.
This infrastructure encompasses the following CHeLabs (including UNESCO sites):
- Etruscan archaeological site of Cerveteri (Rome);
- St Nilus's Abbey (Grottaferrata);
- St Martial's Chapel, Palace of the Popes (Avignon);
- St Erige's Chapel of Auron (Saint Etienne de Tinée);
- La Brigue's Chapel (Tende);
- Albertas Chapel, Ancient Art Museum (Lisbon);
- Roman Temple of Diana (Evora);
- Stavropoleos Monastery (Bucharest);
- Fundenii Doamnei (Bucharest).
The expected impacts are:
- consolidation of the CH chain;
- provision of a structured and accessible knowledge amount database to
assist decision makers in Cultural Heritage safeguarding domain;
- support to the validation of innovative devices;
- support to Technology Transfer actions. (literal)
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