IBIS preliminary results on Cygnus X-1 spectral and temporal characteristics (Articolo in rivista)

  • IBIS preliminary results on Cygnus X-1 spectral and temporal characteristics (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2003-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Bazzano A.1, Bird A. J. 2, Capitanio F. 3, Del Santo M. 4, Ubertini P. 5, Zdziarski A. A. 6, Di Cocco G. 7, Falanga M. 8, Goldoni P. 9, Goldwurm A. 10, Laurent P. 11, Lebrun F. 12, Malaguti G. 13, Segreto A. 14 (2003)
    IBIS preliminary results on Cygnus X-1 spectral and temporal characteristics
  • Bazzano A.1, Bird A. J. 2, Capitanio F. 3, Del Santo M. 4, Ubertini P. 5, Zdziarski A. A. 6, Di Cocco G. 7, Falanga M. 8, Goldoni P. 9, Goldwurm A. 10, Laurent P. 11, Lebrun F. 12, Malaguti G. 13, Segreto A. 14 (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 389 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 394 (literal)
  • La rivista Astronomy and Astrophysics nel 2003 aveva un Impact Factor IF=3,843. L'articolo ha 7 citazioni. (literal)
  • 411 (literal)
  • Vengono riportati i risultati preliminari della osservazione su larga banda di energia del Buco nero Cyg X-1 con il telescopio IBIS a bordo di INTEGRAL fatta durante il periodo \"Performance Verification Phase\" , Novembre-Dicembre 2002 in modi osservativi differenti . La sorgente mostrava un comportamento variabile e numerosi brillamenti sono stati rivelati. L'osservazione ha messo in luce la capacita' di IBIS di correlare il flusso rivelato su una larga banda di energia. Sono stati sottolineati un nuovo risultato, la correlazione del flusso con lo stato spettrale in bande diverse di energia, e i tempi caratteristici delle variazioni alle alte energie. (literal)
  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • 1. CNR-IASF-RM, 2. Southampton University, 3. CNR-IASF-RM, 4. CNR-IASF-RM, 5. CNR-IASF-RM, 6. Centrum Astronomiczne im. Kopernika - Warszawa, 7. CNR-IASF-BO, 8. CEA-Saclay, 9. CEA-Saclay, 10. CEA-Saclay, 11. CEA-Saclay, 12. CEA-Saclay, 13. CNR-IASF-BO, 14. CNR-IASF-PA (literal)
  • IBIS preliminary results on Cygnus X-1 spectral and temporal characteristics (literal)
  • We report preliminary results of a broadband spectral and temporal study of the black-hole binary Cyg X-1 performed with the IBIS telescope. Cyg X-1 was the first pointed celestial target of IBIS during the INTEGRAL Performance and Verification Phase, 2002 Nov.-Dec., for a total observing time of ~ 2 Ms in both staring and dithering mode. Here, we report on only the staring, on-axis, observation performed in a stable instrument configuration. During the observing period the source was in its characteristic low/hard state, in which a few flares and dips have been detected. The IBIS/ISGRI results demonstrate that the INTEGRAL observatory offers a unique capability for studying correlations between hardness and/or flux in different bands over a wide photon energy range. One of our new results is finding that the hardness-flux correlation changes the sign twice over the 20-220 keV; first from positive to negative at ~ 50 keV, and then back to positive at ~ 120 keV. The former change appears to be due to the spectral curvature introduced by variable Compton reflection. The latter may be due spectral pivoting. (literal)
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