Rapporto di progetto (Project report), 2021, ENG

EOSC-Life: Building a digital space for the life sciences - D1.2 EOSC repository deployment for project demonstrators

Helen Parkinson (EMBL-EBI, ELIXIR), Ugis Sarkans (EMBL-EBI, ELIXIR, Euro BioImaging), Phil Gribbon, Gesa Witt, Andrea Zaliani, Manfred Kohler (Fraunhofer, EU OPENSCREEN), Jason Swedlow, Jean-Marie Burel (UNIVDUN, EUBI), Morris Swertz, Esther van Enckevort (UMCG, BBMRI), Petr Holub (BBMRI ERIC), Marzia Massimi, Rafaele Matteoni (CNR, INFRAFRONTIER), Holger Maier(HMGU, INFRAFRONTIER), Reetta Hinttala, Anne Heikkinen (UOULU, INFRAFRONTIER), Philipp Gormanns (INFRAFRONTIER GMBH, INFRAFRONTIER), Laura del Cano, Laurent Vasseur, Sophie Leblanc, Yann Herault (CERBM-GIE, INFRAFRONTIER), Dimitris Kontoyiannis, Christina Chandras, Dimitra Panou (FLEMING, INFRAFRONTIER), José Miguel López Coronado, Rosa Aznar Novella (UVEG, MIRRI), Vincent Robert, Ammar Ben Hadj Amor (KNAW, MIRRI), Serge Casaregola, Jean-Luc Legras, Michel-Yves Mistou (INRA, MIRRI), Paolo Romano (USMI, MIRRI), Isabelle Perseil (INSERM, ERINHA), Romain David (ERINHA), Roland Pieruschka (FZJ, EMPHASIS), Katrina Exter, Marc Portier, Cedric Decruw (VLIZ, EMBRC), S. Canham, C. Ohmann, S. Goryanin (ECRIN-ERIC), Laura Del Cano (CSIC, Instruct), Maddalena Fratelli (IRFMN, EATRIS), Carole Goble, Stuart Owen, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Nick Juty (UNIMAN, ISBE), WP6: Susanna Sansone and Peter McQuilton (UOXF), Marco Roos (LUMC), Luiz Bonino (LUMC) WP2: Carole Goble, Nick Juty (UNIMAN)

EOSC.Life Consortium Partner Institutions

This deliverable addresses EOSC-Life WP1's objectives related to publication of data and data resources in cloud repositories by making available resources in EOSC-Life's registries; the implementation of FAIR services and standards, by development of FAIR registries in collaboration with WP6; and evolution of repository infrastructure by making available registry entries deriving from WP3 demonstrators. Use cases for EOSC-Life registries have been defined for general and clinical research data use and the 'EOSC-Life' collection in FAIRsharing has been populated and released comprising more than 100 data resources and standards. A clinical MetaData Repository has also been developed to address challenges of clinical data sharing in Europe. We have engaged with EOSC, sister projects such as FAIRsFAIR and ENVRI to consider the features of registries, cross registry interoperability and use cases which link EOSC projects. We will continue to update the registries as the project progresses and as new dataset and resources are made available and will engage with pan-EOSC registry planning based on our work to date.


European Open Science Cloud, FAIR dataset

CNR authors

Matteoni Rafaele, Massimi Marzia

CNR institutes

IBBC – Istituto di Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare