Joint Archaeological laboratories

The 'Joint Archaeological laboratories' scheme is based on a research project to be carried out jointly by Italian and Foreign researchers who intend to share their skills as well as their research facilities, to create a Joint Archaeological laboratory – a meeting place, both physical and virtual, with new and improved characteristics if compared to the original single structures of affiliation.

In the last 10 years, mainly by initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, but also of private business and other public institutions, Italy provided financing for the creation of such joint laboratories aimed at allowing Italian and Foreign Institutes to jointly carry out research activities in the partner country. Cnr has different tools like the Short Term Mobility Program and Bilateral Agreements to support its researchers performing scientific activities in the international arena, but, at present, the Council has decided to launch this new and intermediate tool, specifically devoted to the archaeological studies with the purpose to provide a time span sufficient to carry out a project, at the same time giving the possibility to perform research outside the framework of the specific agreements in force with foreign institutions. The Joint Archaeological Laboratories have the following goals: performing excavation campaigns in the relevant countries with the participation of the host country and, if necessary, also of other countries joining the excavation, training of young researchers, technology transfer, participation in international Calls for proposals for the granting of further funding, classification and museum display of the findings.

Aim of the Joint Archaeological laboratories

Each Joint Archaeological laboratory is expected to produce new results not otherwise obtainable.


The assessment of the proposals for Joint Archaeological Laboratories will be performed by a specifically nominated Cnr Committee, following the criteria mentioned in the Call for Proposals also taking into account the implementation of Cnr policy guidelines regarding geographical and thematic areas.


Cnr is planning to finance each Joint Archaeological laboratory for a period of 2 years, with a contribution ranging from a min. of € 3.000, to a max. of €10.000 per year. Said financial support can be requested by following the instructions contained in the Call for Proposals published on Cnr’s website. Applications will be accepted only if submitted using Cnr’s on-line procedure. The unselected applications cannot be submitted again by the following deadline. The Italian Principal Investigator must be a Cnr researcher. Participants in the Research Team working for other Institutions, Universities or Private Enterprises, can be included provided that they contribute with their own funds.

The Joint Archaeological laboratories will therefore be financed by each participating Institution. The country where the excavation is located can contribute to the Laboratory by providing working space, skilled manpower, logistical support to the excavations, ensuring that these expenses are not charged to Cnr researchers. All contributions to the archaeological mission from the foreign partner must be mentioned in the proposal’s budget estimate and documented in the audit report, in the form and manner aligned with those of the country itself.


How to set up a Joint Archaeological laboratory

The Joint Archaeological laboratories are set up on the basis of a research proposal which must be jointly approved and subscribed by both partners, and will be implemented once the formal acceptance and financing from both partners are received. The existing research facilities in the two countries will be used; or the Lab will decide to have its own base, logistically connected to the archaeological mission. Further funding can be provided by other institutions or companies. The proposal will include a list of all involved researchers - also those working for other Institutions, Universities etc. with a detailed explanation of their role in the project - and the list of research facilities to be shared for common use, including their specific use plan (by percentage, if applicable). Following the approval of the Joint Lab, from the second year on, it will be possible to consider the involvement of additional partner Countries and/or other Institutions and Private Enterprises, if judged useful to the further development of the research itself. Each partner will participate in the financing of the Lab’s research expenses proportionally to its own involvement and participation.
All Italian rules and regulations must be respected, as well as those of the partner Countries, with particular attention to those relating to the research sector and, particularly, to Intellectual Property.


Publication of results of Joint Archaeological laboratories

The results obtained by the activities carried out under the Joint Lab’s Projects, will have to be published prior the launch of the following Call for Proposals.


For further information: dott.ssa Antonella Briuglia, tel. 0039/06/4993-3833, e-mail

Information provided by: Unità Relazioni Internazionali

Last update: 23/04/2024