Research project

EXEC II (DUS.AD008.100)

Thematic area

Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Project area

Diritto, tecnologia, organizzazione giudiziaria (DUS.AD008)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG)

Project manager

Phone number: 0554399672


The EXEC II project aims to increase the number of Member States joining the e-Evidence Platform and to enable the interoperability between the Platform and national Case Management Systems, Member States' Electronic File Systems and User and Identity Management Systems. It will contribute to deploying and connecting EIO backend applications to the e-Evidence platform by means of e-CODEX.
The Action is a direct follow-up of the EXEC (JUST-JACC-EJU-AG-2017; Project Number 785818) and the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX (JUST-AG-2016/JUST-AG-2016-01; Project Number 766468) projects which (i) enabled the participating Member States to set up the underlying technical e-CODEX infrastructure and to establish the connection to the e-Evidence Platform and (ii) developed a prototype for an application to create a forensic package for evidences.

Start date of activity



European Investigation Order, e-Codex infrastructure

Last update: 27/09/2024