European relations

The Unit for European Relations is responsible for governing and managing CNR’s relationships with EU and other prominent International Scientific Organizations active within the European scenario, including monothematic research Organizations.                        

It ensures CNR participation in strategic and coordination activities carried out by MIUR and MAECI within the  European context, also in close connection with the Italian Permanent Representation, at EU.

It guarantees official relations with the National Representatives in the Framework Program’s Committees and with National Contact Points.

It is responsible for providing all CNR researchers with the appropriate assistance during the applying process for obtaining EU Framework Program’s grants. All potential applicants are ensured with a constant flow of information aimed at broadening the understanding of international and domestic rules/procedures concerning specific issues of the EU Framework Program and of other EU initiatives (detection of “Calls for proposals”; drafting of applications; management of projects/contracts; monitoring of the audit processes).

The Office encourages and supports the presence of CNR within programs and initiatives launched by other European research Organizations (Science Europe, EuroHorcs, COST, Eureka etc.), aimed at the building of the European Research Area.

Its Units in Genoa and Naples ensure, thanks to the presence of integrated competences on the territory, local support to CNR Institutes based in Northern and Southern Italy.

In order to better support CNR participation in the European Research Area (ERA), its branches, spread in the territory, have the specific task to support the identification of ERA policies and key-tools: the Genoa unit is in charge of European Infrastructures and researchers’ mobility; Naples unit is responsible for multilateral strategies and cooperation with non-EU Countries (in the framework of European policies), while the Brussels branch works at Joint Programming Initiatives.

Last update: 12/09/2023