Physical sciences and technologies of matter

The Cnr Department of Physical science and material technologies coordinates the physical-material area. The fundamental thematic research areas are the development of nano-structures based on semiconductors, oxides, organic and magnetic materials, superconductors and hybrids, laser and photonic systems, sensors and devices with microelectronics applications, energy, health care and ict; advances instrumentation and new methods of investigation in order to extend the knowledge regarding the science of soft condensed material, the complex material and the biological systems at all levels.

In the quantum science and technology field, the technologies that concern the manipulation and transfer of information have a great part, having the ultimate aim of contributing to the realization of devices for the data processing, with unmatchable characteristics, if compared to the classical systems.

Download the Department brochure - Department video (italian version).

In memory of Lev Petrovic Pitaevskij

News 26/08/2022

On August 23rd theoretical physicist Lev Petrovič Pitaevskij passed away in Rovereto. A memory by his colleagues of the Cnr National Institute of Optics (Cnr-Ino)

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, a versatile geochemical tool being used in a wide range of applications

News 22/10/2021

A laser may not be the first tool most geoscientists think to use when analyzing geological samples, but the technique known as laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) holds great potential for illuminating the geosciences

Solid states actuators for micro/nanorobotics

Institutional Area

Cnr-Spin coordinates this project aimed at exploring new materials and working principles for high-performance micromechanical actuators in view of applications in the growing field of micro and nanorobotics. The project has been selected as significant research project within the Executive Programme of Cooperation in the field of science and technology between the Italian government of Italy and the government of Japan for the years 2017-2019

National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology

Institutional Area

NEST is an interdisciplinary research and training centre where physicists, chemists and biologists investigate scientific issues at the nanoscale. This knowledge is exploited to develop innovative nanobiotechnological tools, nanoelectronic and photonic devices and architectures. The Italian Natounal Research Council supports the NEST initiative with the Institute of nanosciences 

Graphene Factory

Institutional Area

Graphene Factory is a Cnr portal focused on graphene and two-dimensional materials research. The aim is to promote and support this research throughout the CNR network, offering information and services to the scientific community, industrial partners and citizens