International Scientific Organizations

Cnr has joined numerous non-governmental International Scientific Organizations which represent the world scientific community in all disciplines and areas of research, as organized in their cooperative units.

Cnr, as adhering member, for Italy, participates in the activities of such Organizations through its Representatives and/or Delegates within each of them, thus allowing the necessary osmosis between knowledge and expectations both of the national and the international scientific community, as a whole. National coordination of such participation is also guaranteed by the Committees made up of experts in the different fields of research, which are, in fact, the Italian "National Committees" operating within the Organizations themselves.

Below, the list of non-governmental International Scientific Organizations which include Cnr among their members, and names of the relevant Representatives/Delegates.


For futher information, please contact: Cecilia Lalle | Tel. 06.4993.7827 | Fax 06.4993.2905 | e-mail: 

Cnr is also joining:

(Organism do not fall within the remit of SPR ‘Relazioni Internazionali’).

Data source: SPR 'International Relations'

Last update: 19/05/2024