The oceanographic cruise ECOREST aims at restoring the deep-sea habitats of the Mediterranean Sea

News 08/05/2024

The second leg of the ECOREST oceanographic cruise on board the R/V Gaia Blu of the National Research Council of Italy started on May 8th from Napoli port. The cruise is organized within the framework of the "LIFE DREAM" project, coordinated by Cnr-Ismar and funded by LIFE+ programme of the European Commission, and of the  National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) – Spoke 1 and 2, one of the five National Center dedicated to the frontier research established within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Both the projects aims at studying and preserving Mediterranean ecosystems and biodiversity through actions of habitat protection and restoration

PRISM 2024: nominations are open

News 02/05/2024

Nominations are open for the 2024 edition of the PRISM award, aimed at recognizing significant research contributions in the field of structure of matter in the last five years. Submission deadline: June 30th, 2024

"From knee surgery to home drudgery, the robot revolution beckons"

Press review 30/04/2024

Automation will play a growing role in people’s lives and Europe has the know-how to lead the way, according to Cnr President Maria Chiara Carrozza, who released an interview on the EU Research and Innovation Magazine "Horizon"

ForesTEEN: building a resilient European TEEN cultural ecosystem

News 16/04/2024

ForestTEEN is a European cooperation project for research and innovation aims to innovate the cultural offering for the new generations, through a process of participatory observation that experiments with different listening settings. Funded by the European Union (EU) through the Creative Europe Programme, the project brings together a consortium of 10 partner entities from eight Countries towards a shared mission: to improve the engagement of adolescent in cultural/theatre activities. The Institute for research on population and social policies (CNR-IRPPS) will be responsible for the (i) organisation of participatory events (ii) implementation of monitoring activities

SOS Arctic 2024: 1500 kilometers of crossing Greenland to study the eternal ice

News 02/05/2024

The Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy is involved in the scientific  expedition "SOS ARCTIC - WINDSLED 2024", a 30-day 1500 kilometer ice crossing interior of Greenland, using exclusively wind and solar energy. A complex and long mission during which data and samples will be collected in order to analyze the condition of the polar ice cap in places never before reached by land and explored before

Photoluminescence of Rare-Earth: Photonic Materials and Applications

Event 13-15/05/2024

The Conference PRE’24, will be held in Trento on 13-15 May 2024: it is the tenth event in the series of International Workshops covering a wide range of research topics concerning the properties and applications of rare-earth ions in optoelectronics and photonics. PRE’24 aims at providing to material scientists, chemists and physicists the opportunity of debating about the state of the art and the perspectives of the photonic materials based on rare earth ions and their applications. Cnr is among the organizers with two of its research institutes: Cnr-Ifac and Cnr-Ifn

Kick-off meeting FarmEVs: Extracellular Vesicles Farming

News 22/03/2024

Funded by the Horizon Europe, the FarmEVs project was officially kicked-off on 21st -22nd March 2024 in a meeting with a high scientific and institutional participation, taking on the challenge of establishing plant extracellular farming systems within the One Health approach. FarmEVs consortium is coordinated by CNR and composed of 8 partners from 6 countries