Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of National Council of Research, as per the clause 7 of the Cnr’s Articles of Association, is so constituted:

Members Nomination CV and additional information
Prof. Lucio d’Alessandro Member Conferenza dei rettori delle università italiane (CRUI) Act of appointment
Dott.ssa Nicoletta Amodio Member Unione italiana delle camere di commercio e dalla Confindustria Act of appointment
Dott. Nicola Fantini Member Eletto dal personale Cnr Act of appointment

The board of directors has the task of defining the guidelines of the institution, programming the activities in general terms, approving the acts having general scope or being of noteworthy relevance for  organization, operation, administration and management. In particular, at the suggestion of the president:

a) it decides on the guidelines to draw-up the document stating the strategy for the next ten years and the activity plan for the next three years;
b) it decides on, referred to in Article 5 of the reorganization decree and with the scientific council, the document stating the strategy for the next ten years and the activity plan for the next three years, including the staff’s need and outfit;
c) it determine the total the amount and the variation of the outfit and the needs plan, after consulting the Labor Unions, and submits the documents to the approval of Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research reffered to in Article 5(4) of the reorganization decree;
d) it approves, the budget plan, the final statement, the related reports, including the annual verification report of the economical and management results, as prepared by the general director, as far as the possible variations;
e) it decides on, with the scientific council within the limits of scientific and research subjects, the statute, the institution’s regulations and their modifications, following the procedure quoted in the clause 1(1)(b) of the Italian law 27th September 2007 nr. 165, which also defines the majority needed for the approval;
f) it can empower the president;
g) it defines the organizational structure of the Institution: States the organizational guidelines of the offices, the thematic macro-areas, the departments and the institutes;
h) it decides on, following the proposal of the general director, the organizational procedures concerning the safety of the working places and the processing of personal information;
i) it decides on the participation in, or the establishment of consortia, foundations, companies or associations with public or private subjects, Italian and foreign, and submit them to ministry approval;
l) it decides on the establishment of, or the participation to investment funds, as per the clause 16 of the reorganization decree;
m) it decides on framework agreements with universities and other institutions and organizations public or private, national, European or international;
n) it elects the vice-president among its members;
o) it appoints the general director;
p) it appoints the scientific council, the department directors and the institute directors;
q) it expresses its binding opinion on the curricula’s validity of the persons proposed by top managers to be appointed of leading positions;
r) it defines the annual objectives of the general director and the department directors;
s) it confers interdipartimental research tasks to departments;
t) it periodically verifies the results of the institution’s activities also on the basis of the general manager;
u) it sets out, with scientific council, the frequency, criteria and arrangements for the evaluation of institutes and departments;
v) it allocates to departments the necessary resources for programme and project as defined in the planning activities;
z) it decides on large infrastrucuture investments and approves the project of national interest with scientific council, referred in Article 3(1)(a);
aa) it decides on funding of research activities consistency with the document of ten-year strategic vision;  
bb) it proposes to the Governament research projects, considered of great importance for the country;
cc) it sets out criteria and arrangements for the conduct of accreditation, certification and testing activities; for the cooperation in the field of technical legislation with structures  and national, european and international  institution; for the activities referred to in Article 3(1) (c);  
dd) it decides on any other matters of the stucture not left to other bodies of legislation, by this Statute and Regulations.

Decisions of Board of Directors

Last update: 23/01/2025