Curiosity, intuition, passion, creativity, tenaciousness: these are just some of the aspects that describe those fellows who have decided to rely on development and knowledge, making science their job.
Thanks to its network spread all over the Italian country and to the great variety of research topics, the Cnr plays a key role facing the challenges that are at the hearth of the international agenda of the research: healthcare, demographic changes and wellness, food safety and sustainable agriculture, energy and environmental protection, accessibility of resources, intelligent transport. This section offers a showcase of their work.
EuroGEO Workshop 2024
EuroGEO, the regional coordination mechanism that aims to consolidate and coordinate activities throughout Europe that contribute to GEO (Group on Earth Observations) initiatives, will be held in Poland from 8th to 10th October. The Cnr is among the partners of the event
RemTech Europe 2024 - International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies
There is even the possibility, after the conference to submit a paper to be included in the peer reviewed journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) without cost for authors, if SETAC independent commission will evaluate your abstract as worthy to be included in the special number dedicated to Remtech Europe 2024
SOS Arctic 2024: mission accomplished!
More than 1500 kilometers ice crossing interior of Greenland, using exclusively wind and solar energy. An 8-person team to develop the zero-impact expedition for extreme polar conditions, to explore the inaccessible Greenlandic ice cap, to find out more about the climate change and ice conditions. Everything without using a single engine, but only thanks to the huge kite pulling the 3-tons sled developed by the Spanish Polar explorer Ramón Larramendi
Oceanography unveiled: empowering the next generation of marine scientists
The picturesque island of San Servolo in the Venice Lagoon, is hosting until July 20th, 2024, the the summer school "Oceanography Unveiled", organized by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Ismar) jointly with the Venice International University (VIU), the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), University Parthenope Naples, University of Venice, University of Salento, Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples (SZN). It is a dynamic program designed to equip young scientists with the essential skills and knowledge for writing scientific proposals in the field of oceanography. This initiative follows a series of seminars on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, held from December 2003 to May 2024 at the Cnr-Ismar headquarters in Venice
Fingerprinting the asteroid that determined the fate of the dinosaurs
Cnr-Ismar researchers were part of the team led by the University of Cologne which has investigated traces of the asteroid impact that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago: amongst the research team, there were researchers were part of the international panel of scientists
Joint lab projects
Cnr finances joint labs projects based on proposals made by Italian and Foreign researchers together, aimed at sharing research facilites, skills and expertise
Call for proposals of joint lab projects
Launch of two Cnr Joint Lab Projects - Research Area: Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation (three-year period 2022-2024)
Cnr position on the European Innovation Council
The Italian National Research Council is giving its contribution to the ongoing debate on the European Innovation Council, (Eic), the body for innovation proposed by the European Commission to boost the research and innovation system at a European level
Science & Technology Digital Library
The Cnr S&T Digital Library makes available research products, datasets, data and information on research activities, projects, R&D actors, their expertise and skills, as well as digitised cultural and historical heritage contents
Journal and newsletters
Cnr produces several journals and newsletters to which you can subscribe, usually for free, directly from the websites of the institutes that produce them
Open access
The Italian National Research Council is deeply involved in adopting and supporting the principles of the European Chart for the free circulation of knowledge
Protection and valorisation of IPRs
Cnr supports and encourages its researchers in protecting and valorizing the results of their research, promoting their exploitation in collaboration with industrial partners and/or other institutions
The Bluemed italian paper
An overview of relevance, obstacles and proposals of the key sectors for a blue growth, issued by the Cnr Bluemed Working Group
Researcher’s life
On the Cnr webtv platform the portraits of some Cnr researchers in their daily routine, both at work and in their private life
Cnr E-recruitment
The on line application system for the recruitment of staff and other types of employement and training of the National Research Council of Italy
EMBO Workshop "Spatial Omics and complexities of human diseases: Resolve and Solve"
One of the biggest puzzles in Biology is to understand how trillions of cells which comprise a human body interact with each other to support life. Spatial Omics, as it is collectively known and includes several spatially resolved technologies, is set to provide answers to this question