

Curiosity, intuition, passion, creativity, tenaciousness: these are just some of the aspects that describe those fellows who have decided to rely on development and knowledge, making science their job.

Thanks to its network spread all over the Italian country and to the great variety of research topics, the Cnr plays a key role facing the challenges that are at the hearth of the international agenda of the research: healthcare, demographic changes and wellness, food safety and sustainable agriculture, energy and environmental protection, accessibility of resources, intelligent transport. This section offers a showcase of their work.

The Italian Embassy in Abu Dhabi Celebrates GRIM2025 with 100 Italian Researchers in The United Arab Emirates

Press Release 20/03/2025

The president of Cnr, Maria Chiara Carrozza, attended the event at the Italian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, which preceded the celebrations for the Italian Research Day in the World. More than 100 Italian researchers were present, working in universities and research centres across the United Arab Emirates

"Divergent Tales": a photographic work about Mongolia within the 3R4UB research project

News 17/03/2025

"Divergent Tales" is a photographic project developed as part of "3Rs for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Ulaanbaatar" (3R4UB), funded by the European SWITCH-Asia program and coordinated by the Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (Cnr Iriss) of the National Research Council of Italy

Scientific Cooperation Agreement between CNR and Johns Hopkins University

News 18/03/2025

A Scientific Cooperation Agreement has been officially signed for the creation of an international joint laboratory between the Institute for the Microelectronics and Microsystems (CNR-IMM) and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University (JHU Baltimore, USA), under the scientific leadership of dr. Annalisa Convertino for CNR-IMM and prof. Ishan Barman for JHU. The laboratory also involves the Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (CNR-ISOF), with the participation of dr. Emanuela Saracino

Joint lab projects

Institutional Area

Cnr finances joint labs projects based on proposals  made by Italian and Foreign researchers together, aimed at sharing research facilites, skills and expertise

Call for proposals of joint lab projects

Institutional Area

Launch of two Cnr Joint Lab Projects - Research Area: Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation (three-year period 2022-2024)

Cnr position on the European Innovation Council

Institutional Area

The Italian National Research Council is giving its contribution to the ongoing debate on the European Innovation Council,  (Eic), the body for innovation proposed by the European Commission  to boost the research and innovation system at a European level

Science & Technology Digital Library

Institutional Area

The Cnr  S&T Digital Library makes available research products, datasets, data and information on research activities, projects, R&D actors, their expertise and skills, as well as digitised cultural and historical heritage contents

Journal and newsletters

Institutional Area

Cnr produces several journals and newsletters to which you can subscribe, usually for free, directly from the websites of the institutes that produce them

Open access

Institutional area

The Italian National Research Council is deeply involved in adopting and supporting the principles of the European Chart for the free circulation of knowledge

Protection and valorisation of IPRs

Institutional area

Cnr supports and encourages its researchers in protecting and valorizing the results of their research, promoting their exploitation in collaboration with industrial partners and/or other institutions

The Bluemed italian paper

Institutional area

An overview of relevance, obstacles  and proposals of the key sectors for a blue growth, issued by the Cnr Bluemed Working Group

Researcher’s life


On the Cnr webtv platform the portraits of some Cnr researchers in their daily routine, both at work and in their private life

Cnr E-recruitment

Institutional Area

The on line application system for the recruitment of staff and other types of employement and training of the National Research Council of Italy

Proceedings of 10th International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement techniques"


The volume digital version of the Procedings of Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques" has been published. The event was organized by the Institute of Bio-Economy of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Ibe) since 2006, with cooperation of Sisef's, and has obtained, among others, the patronages of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Accademia dei Georgofili, the Universities of Florence and Catania

Controlling spin chirality: a new frontier for molecular qubits

News 04/03/2025

A team of researchers, including scientists from the Institute of Nanoscience at Cnr (Cnr Nano), has demonstrated for the first time that the internal magnetic structure of a molecule can be controlled using infrared radiation. The study, a result of an international collaboration between Cnr Nano, the University of Strasbourg, the Paul Scherrer Institute, and the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses in Grenoble, paves the way for new developments in quantum technologies

Join the ASFA-FAO, EURASLIC and GreyNet International joint conference

Event from 07/05/2025 to 09/05/2025

ASFA-FAO, EURASLIC, and GreyNet International have announced a joint conference to be held at CNR research area in Pisa, Italy, from May 7 to 9, 2025. The PISA 2025 conference theme is “How Scientific Communication Practices are Evolving” with a special focus on Grey Resource