
Icton 2016 - 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks

Dal 10/07/2016 ore 16.00 al 14/07/2016 ore 13.00

Department of Letters and Philosophy of University of Trento, Via Tommaso Gar n. 14, Trento, Italy.

Logo ICTON 2016
Logo ICTON 2016

The Institute for photonics and nanotechnologies of the National research council (Ifn-Cnr), the Bruno Kessler Foundation (Fbk), the University of Trento, the IEEE Photonics Society Italian and  Poland Chapters, together with the National Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, are pleased to announce the 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks Icton 2016 which will be hosted at the Department of Letters and Philosophy of University of Trento, Trento, Italy, July 10-14, 2016.

The scope of the conference is concentrated on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing and novel applications, and includes:

- digital all-optical networks
- ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexing
- ultra-fast optical time domain multiplexing
- next generation networking
- optical switching and routing (WAOR)
- optical packet networks and services
- optical memories and data storage
- optical transparency and network scalability
- network reliability and availability (RONEXT)
- wireless and optical networking (GOWN)
- radio-over-fibre transmission
- broadband metro and access networks
- market in telecommunications (MARS)
- microwave photonics
- photonic band-gap structures (ESPC)
- photonic crystal fibres
- nonlinear and active PBG devices
- nanoscale and ultrafast photonics (NAON)
- VCSELs and other novel light sources
- microresonators and photonic molecules (MPM)
- novel glasses
- new transmission windows
- polarisation mode dispersion
- photonic component integration (PICAW)
- network planning and design tools
- big data analytics & network optimization (BigNeO)
- non-conventional optical communications
- sub-wavelength photonic devices (SWP)
- communication in transportation systems (CTS)

More information at http://icton2016.fbk.eu/

Organizzato da:
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Università di Trento

Referente organizzativo:
Maurizio Ferrari
Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche
Ifn-Cnr, Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie- Trento
CSMFO Laboratory - Caratterizzazione e sviluppo di materiali per la fotonica e l'optoelettronica
via alla Cascata 56/C, Povo, 38123 Trento, Italy.
+39 0461 314 881
The Department of Letters and Philosophy is located in Via Tommaso Gar n. 14. It is located in the city center, just a few hundred meters from Piazza Duomo and is approximately 5 minutes walk from the train station and bus station.

Ufficio stampa:
Viviana Lupi
FBK Fondazone Bruno Kessler

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento
In order to make easier the organization of the event, all the participants are kindly asked to register online
Author registration:
At least one author of each accepted paper must register at the IEEE-Member or Regular or Student rate in order to have the paper published in the ICTON 2016 Proceedings.
IEEE Member and Regular rates are valid for up to two (1 or 2) papers.
Student rate is valid for one (1) paper.
The person presenting the work (accepted paper) at the conference must be a (co)author of the work and must be a registered conference participant. The paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors to be included in the proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.
The Accompaying Person registration fee DOES NOT include attendance to the scientific and poster sessions of the conference.

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