
Advances in Biophysical Methods for Protein Characterisation Conference

Dal 04/10/2016 ore 09.00 al 10/10/2016 ore 14.00

Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, Palermo

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Conference logo

Protein dynamics, structure, and stability are essential factors for biological activity, the proper function of protein-based biotechnology products, as well as their efficacy and safety as pharmaceuticals. Experimental characterisation of each of these factors requires multiple biophysical techniques, spanning from light / x-ray / neutron scattering to spectroscopy, calorimetry, electrophoresis, microscopy, densimetry, rheology, and surface characterization. This conference focuses on advances in biophysical characterization of proteins in solution and the solid state, as well as proteins at bulk interfaces, from the perspective of fundamental and applied biotechnology, including biopharmaceuticals. This includes novel uses of existing methods, as well as development of new methods or adaptions of methods from other fields.

Organizzato da:
University College of London, UK
Istituto di biofisica Cnr (IT), University of Delaware (Usa), Allergan (Usa) , Science and Technology Facilities Council (Uk)

Referente organizzativo:
Vincenzo Martorana
Cnr - Istituto di biofisica
via Ugo La Malfa 153
091 6809308

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito