Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy (ICMATE)


Integrated Laboratory of Surface Tensiometry

In recent years, a specific Laboratory for Surface Tensiometry has been built and organised at IENI- Dept. of Genoa, with characteristics of a particular interest at an international level. In this infrastructure, which can be defined as an "Infrastructural Center open for services to a wide Scientific Community" can offer support both experimental and scientific for measurements of Surface and Interface tensions, wettability, elasticity and surface rheology in a temperature range which span ...

High-enthalpy hypersonic tunnel

A new pulse tunnel based on a free piston compressor is operative at CNR-IENI-Milano, in which flight conditions up to Mach 7 can be simulated. The facility allows experimental studies of combustion in supersonic flows and tests on small scale models of propulsion systems for hypersonic cruise vehicles or reusable launchers. A number of test have been scheduled for developing reliable end efficient design of ramjet and scramjet combustion chambers and studying the rocket plumes post-combustion ...

From the Space Shuttle STS-107 insights in emulsion science and technology.

In spite of the tragic conclusion of the scientific mission STS-107 of the shuttle Columbia, the results of some experiments have been saved, perhaps making less vain the Astronauts' sacrifice. One of the experiments is FAST (Facility for Adsorption and Surface Tension), conceived by the Department of Genoa of IENI and aimed at the investigation of the adsorption process of surfactants at liquid interfaces, which had a complete success. FAST houses two Capillary Pressure tensiometers to ...


Oggi le leghe a memoria di forma stanno conquistando nuovi spazi di mercato. Il settore dei dispositivi medicali di NiTi è attualmente uno dei più dinamici e quello con il più alto tasso di crescita. Il gruppo di ricerca che opera presso l'Unita' staccata di Lecco da anni e' impegnato nella sintesi e caratterizzazione di materiali metallici a memoria di forma, con particolare attenzione al sistema NiTi e fornisce semilavorati di materiali a memoria di forma per applicazioni nel settore ...