
Patrizio Dazzi, Cnr-Isti, speaker at the H-Cloud summit. Cloud Expo Europe


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Horizon Cloud is a European Commission initiative that aims to consolidate and grow the Cloud Computing research and innovation community in Europe. To achieve this ambition, Horizon Cloud brings together innovators, policy-makers, Cloud Computing researchers, industry players, and users into an open, participatory, and sustainable forum. The Horizon Cloud Forum strengthens collaboration to address challenges and opportunities at the research, technological, policy, standardization, and organizational level to unlock the potential of Cloud Computing for all European stakeholders.

Horizon Cloud organized a special session at the Cloud Expo Europe in Frankfurt, a prime event bringing together cloud innovators, technologists, and business leaders, to help them shape their future and deliver successful digital transformation. 

Patrizio Dazzi (Cnr-Isti) participates in this session introducing success stories, best practices, and use cases from the European Cloud Community. More specifically, together with Prof. Konstantinos Tserpes (Harokopio University of Athens) will present the use cases of the European H2020 ACCORDION project, framing such results in the context of the recent developments of the project and of the Cloud/Edge research community.

Per informazioni:
Patrizio Dazzi
CNR - Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo"
Area della Ricerca di Pisa
via Moruzzi, 1

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