Research project

STRONG-2020 (DIT.AD002.130)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati (DIT.AD002)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of materials for electronics and magnetism (IMEM)

Project manager

Phone number: 0521269225


The strong interaction is one of the cornerstones of the Standard Model (SM) of particle
physics, and its experimental and theoretical study attracts an active community of about 2500
researchers in Europe. The list of fundamental open questions at the frontier of our current
knowledge in the strong interaction is very rich and varied including a full understanding of (i)
the partonic structure of hadrons, (ii) exotic hadronic states, properties of (iii) dense quark
matter and of (iv) hot and dense quark-gluon plasma, as well as (v) precision tests of the SM.
Such research topics are studied experimentally and theoretically mostly via particle collisions
at low (a few tens of GeV) and high (up to 14 TeV) energies. Associated developments in stateof-
the-art detectors/data-acquisition/beams/targets are required, as well as in theoretical
(lattice, effective field, perturbative) calculations.

Start date of activity



CdZnTe, Rivelatori a raggi X, Fisica Nucleare

Last update: 28/07/2024