Research project

Applying Reinforcement Meta-Learning framework to precision medicine of major depressive disorder - Achlys (DUS.AD016.135)

Thematic area

Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Project area

Cognizione naturale e artificiale: comunicazione, linguaggio, etica (DUS.AD016)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of cognitive sciences and technologies (ISTC)

Project manager

Phone number: 0644595231


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder with high prevalence and high social and economic burden. Given its severe impact on public health, this is one of the most investigated psychiatric disorders. Nonetheless there is still a lack of comprehensive theory integrating the multifaceted findings on MDD pathophysiology, explaining how cortical-subcortical components interact to contribute to depressive symptoms and how neural dynamics interact with the environment for the development of this disorder. Achlys is a research project exploiting the most recent advancement in computational modeling (based on Reinforcement Meta-Learning framework) of prefrontal circuits and subcortical monoamine nuclei for investigating the pathophysiology of unipolar depression. Achlys will combine neuro-computational modeling with model-based neuroimaging techniques and infrared pupillometry, to provide a complete computational theory of.


studio delle basi patologiche della depressione maggiore, sviluppo di software per assistenza alla diagnosi e alla terapia.

Start date of activity



depressive disorder, psychiatric disorders, computational modeling

Last update: 12/03/2025