DRAGON 5 - Application of Sino-EU Optical Data into Agronomic Models to Predict Crop Performance and to Monitor and Forecast Crop Pests and Diseases (DTA.AD004.428)
Thematic area
Earth system science and environmental technologies
Project area
Osservazione della Terra (DTA.AD004)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of methodologies for environmental analysis (IMAA)
Project manager
Phone number: 3409039091
Email: stefano.pignatti@cnr.it
The team is composed by the Italian team with the National Research Council and two Universities, while the Chinese one with the Chinese Academy of Science and the Beijing Research center for Information Technology in Agriculture. The project will explore and verify pre-operative algorithms and processing chains using ESA/Chinese multi-frequency EO data to (a) develop innovative and advanced methods for crop plant key parameters retrieval at different growth stages (plant pigment, equivalent water thickness, dry matter, nitrogen and biomass); (b) estimate crop yields and grain quality using agronomic models by integrating multi-source information and by different assimilation techniques; (c) identify early crop stress both at the leaf and at the canopy level also by inferring the agricultural soil properties; (d) develop new dynamic methods and models to monitor and forecast crop pests and disease. Cross cutting validation activities will provide the data and for the retrieval algorithms validation and for the data assimilation approaches. Field experiments will be implemented.
Start date of activity
Datafusion, Satellatie, Agriculture
Last update: 13/01/2025