Research project


Thematic area

Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Project area

Diritto, tecnologia, organizzazione giudiziaria (DUS.AD008)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0554399683


EVIDENCE (European Informatics Data Exchange Framework for Courts and Evidence) project aims at providing a Road map (guidelines, recommendations, technical standards) for realising the missing Common European Framework for the systematic and uniform application of new technologies in the collection, use and exchange of evidence. This road map incorporating standardized solutions would enable policy maker to realize an efficient regulation, treatment and exchange of digital evidence and law enforcement agenciess as well as judges/magistrates and prosecutors and lawyers practising in the criminal field to have at their disposal as legal/technological background a Common European Framework allowing them to gather, use and exchange digital evidences according to common standards and rules.
EVIDENCE activities will enable the implementation of a stable network of experts in digital forensics communicating and exchanging their opinions.The project moves from an 'as is' analysis to the envisioning of future counter measures and research.


EVIDENCE è una "co-ordinating and support action" con la quale il consorzio si pone come obiettivo finale quello di fornire alla Commissione europea una Road Map operativa da seguire per poter disciplinare in modo uniforme lo scambio delle prove digitali nelle e tra le Corti degli Stati membri, in particolare nei procedimenti penali. Questa Road Map potrà essere un valido riferimento per le forze di polizia, i giudici ed i pubblici ministeri nonché per gli avvocati e le parti di un processo quando le prove su cui si basano l'accusa e la difesa sono di fatto "digitali".

Start date of activity



informatica giuridica forense, standard per il trattamento e scambio della prova digitale, prova digitale

Last update: 16/07/2024