ECOPOTENTIAL_scaduto (DTA.AD001.019)
Thematic area
Earth system science and environmental technologies
Project area
Cambiamenti Globali e Cicli biogeochimici: dinamiche, impatti e mitigazione (DTA.AD001)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of geosciences and earth resources (IGG)
Other structures collaborating in the research project
- Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone" (IAC)
- Institute of plant genetics (IBBR)
- Institute of Atmospheric pollution Research (IIA)
- Institute of atmospheric sciences and climate (ISAC)
- Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET)
- Istituto di Scienze Polari (ISP)
- Department Earth system science and environmental technologies
Project manager
Phone number: 0506212372
ECOPOTENTIAL is a large European-funded H2020 project which includes 47 partners in Europe and elsewhere, focusing its activities and pilot actions on a targeted set of internationally recognised protected areas in Europe, European Territories and beyond. These Protected Areas include mountain, arid and semi-arid, and coastal and marine ecosystems, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services. The definition of future scenarios is based on climate and land-use change projections, addressing the issue of uncertainties and uncertainty propagation across the modelling chain.
The ECOPOTENTIAL project addresses cross-scale geosphere-biosphere interactions and landscape-ecosystem dynamics at regional to continental scales, using geostatistical methods and the emerging approaches in Macrosystem Ecology and Earth Critical Zone studies, addressing long-term and large-scale environmental and ecological challenges adopting the view of ecosystems as complex adaptive systems.
ECOPOTENTIAL is a large European-funded H2020 project which includes 47 partners in Europe and elsewhere, focusing its activities and pilot actions on a targeted set of internationally recognised protected areas in Europe, European Territories and beyond. These Protected Areas include mountain, arid and semi-arid, and coastal and marine ecosystems, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services. The definition of future scenarios is based on climate and land-use change projections, addressing the issue of uncertainties and uncertainty propagation across the modelling chain.
Start date of activity
Cicli biogeochimici, interazione geosfera-biosfera, Cambiamenti globali
Last update: 03/01/2025