Research project

MUSIC- Quantum Metamaterials in the Ultra Strong Coupling Regime (DFM.AD005.055)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for photonics and nanotechnologies (IFN)

Project manager

Phone number: 06415221


Due to their mixed photon-electronic excitation character, cavity polaritons have highly interesting properties. Especially interesting is the ultrastrong coupling regime, reached when the strength of the photon-two-level system coupling is larger than the energy of the resonant state. We have recently demonstrated that THz metamaterials coupled to high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases is an almost ideal, field-tunable system that enables the exploration of this ultra-strong coupling regime. In this project we explore key questions: First, limit of ultra-strong coupling in our systems, including the emission of Casimir-like squeezed vacuum photons upon non-adiabatic change in the coupling energy and parametric generation of light. We test a theoretical prediction anticipating, in the ultra-strong coupling regime, a quantum phase transition to a Dicke superradiant state upon substitution of the GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas by a graphene layer or multilayers. We claim that our metamaterial-based system also enables the study of coupled polaritons by either direct meta-atom electromagnetic coupling or using a waveguide bus and superconducting circuits.


The objective is leverage on the unique features of the ultratrong coupling between metamaterial resonators and two dimensional electron gas system to perform quantum optics experiment with the goal of addressing fundamental issues and explore new phenomena that a re unique to this system. One important aspect of this project will be the development of new metamaterial geometries with various funcions. Inverted o complementary metamaterial similar to a slot antenna crossing also suoperconductor graphene based. Such concepts will be useful also to study individual metatoms.

Start date of activity



metamaterials, THz, polariton

Last update: 21/03/2025