Research project

ASPIRE (DFM.AD005.119)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for photonics and nanotechnologies (IFN)

Project manager

Phone number: 02-23996085


In the ASPIRE project, whose academic and industrial beneficiaries are world leading in their complementary fields of expertise, the overarching research goal is the measurement of photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) in the "molecular frame" (MF) of systems of biological relevance. These MF-PADs can be interpreted as electron diffraction patterns, achieved
by "illuminating the molecule from within", and enable the shapes and motions of individual molecules to be interrogated. Such knowledge is needed for the development of new medicines (the shapes of drug molecules dictate their function) and new materials (efficient solar cells can be constructed if energy dissipation processes in molecules are understood).


R1 bring together a unique team of internationally leading scientists to develop methods for the measurement of molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions from complex molecules.
technical development strands
R1a laser and advanced light source techniques
R1b detection technologies
training objectives:
T1 To train and educate a cohort of ESRs who are creative and innovative in the development of novel instrumentation for advanced light sources such as free electron lasers and for the detection and discrimination of charged particles.
T2 To establish a unique unifying framework, facilitated by secondments and network-wide activities, for collaborative high impact research and training led by internationally leading scientists who are expert in each strand of the overall research objective.
T3 To engage ESRs in knowledge transfer: instrumentation requirements and capabilities between academic and industrial environments; short pulse laser techniques, coincidence techniques and XUV light techniques between the laser and synchrotron communities; methods for handling large molecular systems between chemists and physicists.

Start date of activity



Atomic and molecular physics, Lasers, ultra-short lasers and laser physics, Physical chemistry

Last update: 10/02/2025