OLIVE4CLIMATE - Climate Change Mitigation through a Sustainable Supply Chain for the Olive Oil Sector (DBA.AD002.102)
Thematic area
Biology, agriculture and food sciences
Project area
Ottimizzazione dell'uso delle risorse naturali negli ecosistemi agricoli e forestali (DBA.AD002)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of plant genetics (IBBR)
Other structures collaborating in the research project
Project manager
Phone number: 075/5014866
Email: luciana.baldoni@ibbr.cnr.it
The idea of the project develops from the relationship between sustainable agricultural techniques, which have direct impact on climate change mitigation, and the evaluation of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), in order to propose a systemic vision of the production processes and of products through a quantitative assessment of the Carbon Footprint (CF) associated with the production of extra virgin olive oil
Evaluation of carbon sequestration (sink) realized by the olive groves and the corresponding carbon credits, - Analysis and monitoring of the olive cultivation efficiency for reducing the effects of climate change, with particular reference to desertification
Start date of activity
Carbon Footprint, LCA, climate change, best practices, varieties, biodiversity
Last update: 19/02/2025