Research project

ICT per la riqualificazione dell'ambiente costruito - HAPPEN (DIT.AD016.045)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Smart City (DIT.AD016)

Structure responsible for the research project

Construction technologies institute (ITC)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 029806305


The project is aimed at stimulating the market uptake of deep retrofitting of buildings, with special regard to the Mediterranean area and to the residential built stock, by tackling major bottlenecks such as the fragmentation of the supply chain, the lack of transparency and of the perceived reliability of the interventions, of adequate financial support mechanisms, of integration among the relevant aspects connected to retrofitting, the low return on investments, or the lack of a retrofit approach clearly tailored for the Med environments. To this extent, the project will act on the following complementary themes: engagement and empowerment of target groups such as owners, inhabitants, building professionals; technological insight for the development of optimized one-stop shop packages of solutions for deep and beyond retrofitting; financial solutions for supporting the market uptake of deep retrofitting, and proposal of suitable changes in the regulatory frameworks. On this basis, the project will act on the demand side by ensuring ......

Start date of activity



Deep Renovation, Built environment, Integrated Platform

Last update: 21/03/2025