Thematic area
Physical sciences and technologies of matter
Project area
Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute for photonics and nanotechnologies (IFN)
Project manager
Phone number: 031-3327356
NARCISO is an interdisciplinary project merging physics,chemistry,material science,fluid dynamics and photonics with a high potential for applications and industrial scale-up of the relevant results.We propose to exploit the natural instability of thin solid films (solid state dewetting of silicon and germanium, SSD) to form complex patterns and nano-architectures (e.g. monocrystalline atomically-smooth structures, disordered hyperuniform metamaterials) that cannot be implemented with conventional methods. These patters will be used as: i) epitaxial platforms for the growth of light-emitting III-V compounds; ii) hard-masters for nano-imprint lithography of metal oxides (e.g. TiO2, SiO2, ZnO, Al2O3) deposited via sol-gel dip-coating (soft-NIL) and printed on arbitrary substrates, with tunable chemical and physical properties (e.g. composition, porosity, wettability). Methods and structures will be optimized towards their exploitation in two main domains of application: 1) photonic devices (e.g. anti-reflection coatings, colour-filters, random lasers, quantum emitters) and 2) micro-fluidic devices for bio/chemical sensing and water filtering.
Start date of activity
solid state dewetting, nano-imprinting lithography, metasurfaces
Last update: 13/03/2025