Research project

Filling the gap of knowledge for a science-based assessment of the conservation status for an iconic species (i.e. Welwitschia mirabilis) (DTA.AD001.277)

Thematic area

Earth system science and environmental technologies

Project area

Cambiamenti Globali e Cicli biogeochimici: dinamiche, impatti e mitigazione (DTA.AD001)

Structure responsible for the research project

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET)

Project manager

Phone number: 0690672531


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To help our administrators process your application, please provide in the box below anyinformation relating to a previous relationship or contact you may have had with the Fund. Youmay already have an active project with us and are seeking continuation funding, or youpreviously had a grant which is now completed, or you may have previously been rejected for agrant. If this is the case then please state ANY previous project numbers. If this is your firstcontact with the Fund, we would also be very interested to know how you heard of us.

Start date of activity



Filling, the, gap

Last update: 02/09/2024