PRIN 2017 - 2017FTXR7S - Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo (FMT) - IT MATTERS (DIT.AD001.111)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
Dispositivi e Sistemi ICT (DIT.AD001)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of information science and technologies "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI)
Project manager
Phone number: 0506212806
Smart systems are large-scale, physically-distributed services where different kinds of data-collection sensors are used to supply information employed to efficiently manage assets and resources, and provide efficient operations. These systems are increasingly pervasive and interact extensively with their environment. It is thus crucial that unexpected and possibly dangerous situations be avoided. Hence, there is a strong need of techniques to guarantee that systems are trustworthy. Here trustworthiness is a holistic property, encompassing different characteristics (safety, security, integrity, availability, correctness, reliability, resilience) that are not addressed in isolation but as a whole at system level. The goal of the project is the development and the experimentation of a novel methodology for the specification, implementation and validation of trustworthy smart systems based on formal methods.
L'obiettivo del progetto è lo sviluppo e la sperimentazione di una nuova metodologia per la specifica, l'implementazione e la convalida di sistemi intelligenti affidabili basati su metodi formali. Si prevede lo sviluppo del sistema in tre fasi fornendo e analizzando prima i modelli di sistema per trovare errori di progettazione, quindi passando dai modelli al codice eseguibile mediante la traduzione nei linguaggi di programmazione nel dominio e, infine, il monitoraggio a runtime per rilevare comportamenti anomali e supportare i sistemi nel prendere decisioni in modo autonomo in funzione del contesto.
Start date of activity
Formal methods, theoretical computer science, Software engineering, Distributed systems, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems
Last update: 21/03/2025