Research project

PRIN 2017-20173L7W8K_004 - CANDINI ANDREA -Next generation of molecular and supramolecular machines: towards functional nanostructured devices, interfaces, surfaces and materials (DCM.AD006.166)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Chimica e tecnologia dei materiali (DCM.AD006)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for organic syntheses and photoreactivity (ISOF)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0516399770


As recently recognized by the Nobel Committee, the construction of molecular machines is an exciting field of science with the potential to trigger a new industrial revolution. The conversion of molecular movements into useful functions at the nano, meso or macroscopic levels, however, remains an open challenge. To tackle this problem molecular machines need to be incorporated in appropriate setups, so that their mechanical action can be harvested and translated into a substantial effect.
NEMO is aimed at integrating synthetic molecular machines in prototypical environments - bilayer membrane of vesicles, polymer nanofibers, porous crystals, thin films on surfaces - and investigating their stimuli-controlled activation.
Four experienced research teams with highly complementary skills, hosted in top institutes, will join their forces. By applying reliable methodologies and a clear work plan, significant basic advances in several areas of chemistry will be achieved. This is essential for the research community to progress towards a real exploitation of molecular machines in technology and medicine, in line with EU priorities.


The general scope of the project is to study the interfacement of molecular machines with their environment in order to perform functions, shifting the focus from homogeneous solutions to more organized matrices in which the nanomachines can be individually or collectively addressed. Specific objectives:
1. Designed molecular machines: Construction of molecular machines specifically designed for integration within bilayer membranes, polymer nanofibers, crystalline solids and surfaces.
2. Switching/transport in compartmentalized solutions: Assembly of vesicles with molecular machines rationally inserted in their membranes.
3. Actuation of polymer fibers: Fabrication of polymer nanofibers doped with designed molecular machines, and exploitation of the stimuli-controlled movements to modulate the physical and mechanical properties.
4. Dynamic crystalline solids: Design and construction of porous crystals endowed with freely moving molecular subunits, and implementation of strategies for the external control of the motion.
5. Transfer to surfaces: Preparation and investigation of thin films and well-defined micro/nano structures of molecular machines on surfaces (patterning

Start date of activity



supramolecular chemistry, intelligent and self assembled materials, solid state materials

Last update: 02/01/2025