Research project

IPERION HS - Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (DFM.AD006.166)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Infrastrutture di ricerca , strumentazione avanzata e nuove metodologie sperimentali e di calcolo (DFM.AD006)

Structure responsible for the research project

National Institute of Optics (INO)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0552308279


The IPERION HS proposal aims at establishing and operating an Integrating Activity for a distributed pan-European research infrastructure, opening key national research facilities of recognised excellence in heritage science. Heritage science is a young and cross-cutting scientific domain embracing a wide range of research disciplines enabling deeper understanding of the past and improved care for the future of heritage. Since 2016, heritage science is included in the ESFRI Roadmap as one of the strategic areas in the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities, where it is represented by the ESFRI Project ERIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science). IPERION HS will provide to the advanced community of heritage science - built and reinforced with the support of four EU projects spanning across four Framework Programmes, approaching 20 years of constant service to the heritage domain - a further level of pan-European integration, in view of the establishment of E-RIHS


The core mission of the IPERION HS proposal is to further integrate and open European facilities for the study, restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, towards the establishment of the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS, an ESFRI Project). IPERION HS will thus launch and operate an integrating activity to support research in heritage science in Europe and beyond.

Start date of activity



heritage science, research infrastructure

Last update: 12/03/2025