LOCUS: LOCalization and analytics on-demand embedded in the 5G ecosystem, for Ubiquitous vertical applicationS (DIT.AD003.093)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
Internet del futuro (DIT.AD003)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (IEIIT)
Project manager
Phone number: 050222333
Il progetto mira a migliorare la funzionalità delle infrastrutture 5G tramite:
i) informazioni di localizzazione accurate e onnipresenti come servizio nativo della rete e
ii) il rilevamento e l'elaborazione di pattern comportamentali più complessi della posizione grezza e degli eventi fisici, esponendoli alle applicazioni tramite semplici interfacce.
LOCUS presenterà le sue soluzioni in tre scenari: gestione intelligente della rete basata sulle informazioni sulla posizione delle apparecchiature 5G; Oggetti self-driving assistiti dalla rete; Mobilità delle persone e monitoraggio del flusso.
LOCUS will be an enabler of a myriad of applications for the 5G ecosystem and beyond, boosting vertical industries and creating new business opportunities also for telcos. The main objectives are:
1. System architecture with built-in security and privacy
2. 5G Terminal Localization, a cellular-based localization thought of as an evolving functionality in terms of performance
3. Integration with non-3GPP localization technologies (GNSS, WIFi, Bluetooth, etc.)
4. Device-free localization technologies: solutions to use base stations and other transmitters present in the environment as "illuminators of opportunity" for passive radar, and to localize also passive targets (people and things)
5. Analytics, Learning and Inference: analyse the behaviour of devices and targets
6. Network management: exploit localization information and advanced data analytics to enhance network management
7. Exemplary localization-based services: empower exemplary services
Start date of activity
5G, self-driving, Ubiquitous vertical applicationS
Last update: 27/03/2025