LeADS - Legality Attentive Data Scientists (DIT.AD004.121)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
Dati, Contenuti e Media (DIT.AD004)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of information science and technologies "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI)
Project manager
Phone number: +39 050 621 2999
Email: fosca.giannotti@isti.cnr.it
LeADS research and educational program trains a new interdisciplinary professional figure that we call Legality Attentive Data Scientist or LeADS. An expert in data science and law expected to work within and across the two disciplines, a leader in bridging scientific skills with the ethico-legal constraints of their operating environment. LeADS will develop a data science capable of maintaining its innovative solutions within the borders of law - by design and by default - and of helping expand the legal frontiers in line with innovation needs, for instance, preventing the enactments of legal rules technologically unattainable. LeADS research will set the theoretical framework and the practical implementation template of a common language for co-processing and joint-controlling key notions for both data scientists and jurists. Its outcomes will produce also a comparative and interdisciplinary lexicon that draws experts from these fields to define important crossover concepts. Through a broad, interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral network of academic and non-academic partners, LeADS will provide a cross-disciplinary training to ESRs who will work as (e.g.) data scientists or researcher
Start date of activity
data protection, privacy, fundamental rights,algorithm transparency, accountability,anonymity,data mining, knowledge discovery, discrimination, explainability, surveillance, unfair business practices
Last update: 21/03/2025