Research project

MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality (DUS.AD012.122)

Thematic area

Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Project area

Popolazione, società, scienza, cultura e globalizzazione (DUS.AD012)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for research on population and social policies (IRPPS)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 3396012054


MINDtheGEPs takes a multidisciplinary multidimensional approach to challenging gender unbalances across five different countries with still traditional gender regimes (Italy, Spain, Serbia, Ireland, Poland) and across various types of Research Performing Organisations: 4 public universities (Turin, Tralee, Gdansk, Jagiellonian) and 1 public non-academic research institute (CNR); 1 academic (Belgrade) and 1 private
technological institute center (Galicia). The consortium, led by the University of Turin's CIRSDe, comprises also three non-implementing organizations bringing complementary expertise in monitoring and evaluation (Knowledge and Innovation), research communication (Uppsala University) and scientific publishing (Elsevier). In order to promote systemic institutional change and following the "no data-no policy" principle, the project will map the existing data and, building on the tools developed within an ongoing research project of the project coordinator, will produce new quali-quantitative evidence.

Start date of activity



Gender Equality, EU research policy, Gender in social sciences

Last update: 16/07/2024