Research project

UNAT - "Ultra-small Nanohybrides for Advanced Theranostics" (DCM.AD007.188)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Chimica e materiali per la salute e le scienze della vita (DCM.AD007)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of science and technology for ceramics (ISSMC)

Project manager

Phone number: 0546/699730


Nowadays, research focusing on control and use of nanomaterials in different areas including life sciences has become a key driver of innovation. UNAT project aims at a systematic interdisciplinary study of metal-carbon nanohybrides (NHs) for advanced theranostic application. Indeed, development of NHs based on organic & inorganic moieties can synergistically or antagonistically influence functional properties of engineered nanotheranostic medicines. UNAT will develop innovative approaches for synthesis and multi-functional application of ultra-small (<10 nm) carbon-based NHs functionalized with various metal atoms for diagnostics and therapy of cancer. In particular, carbon cores of NHs will be chemically synthesized from biomasses and bio-wastes. The combination of pre-clinical in-vitro & in-vivo experiments will allow to evaluate theranostic potential of the NHs. UNAT will associate an industrial partner from Greece (Bioemtech), a research and innovation center from Ukraine (Science Park) and 2 academic research groups from France (UCBL) and Italy (CNR).


The main objective of UNAT is the development of innovative approaches for chemical synthesis and multi-functional application of ultra-small (<10 nm) carbon-based nanoparticles functionalized with various metal atoms for diagnostics and therapy of cancer. CNR will use of natural products as starting materials for the synthesis of carbon based nanoparticles. Preparation of nanoparticles from natural products can be used to convert undervalued and underutilized biomass waste or by-products into valuable and useful materials with environmental, social and economic benefits.

Start date of activity



nanohybrids, bio-imaging, nanomaterials

Last update: 27/12/2024