CHePiCC online - Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online (Resp. A. BONAZZA) (DTA.AD003.636)
Thematic area
Earth system science and environmental technologies
Project area
Rischi ambientali, naturali e antropici (DTA.AD003)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of atmospheric sciences and climate (ISAC)
Project manager
Phone number: +39 0516399576
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership "Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online (CHePiCC online)" translates state-of-the-art research on climate change and cultural heritage protection into distance and blended learning programmes for HE learners, following EU guidelines and directives as well as firmly basing the preparedness approach for cultural heritage protection on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The main and longterm objective of this project is to bring heritage back into HE teaching and learning, to enable future generations to protect cultural heritage and thereby identity for the future and to facilitate a behavioural change concerning cultural heritage protection and climate change, especially in the future professional lives of HE learners and teachers.
The necessary holistic approach to the wide topic of cultural heritage protection is ensured by the transdisciplinary composition of the partnership which holds expertise in cultural property protection, cultural landscapes, climatology and climate change, structural engineering, material handling, preparedness measures, heritage sciences, conservation-restoration and the collaboration with emergency responders. All partners bring state-of-the-art research from current high-profile research projects to the partnership and thus guarantee a research based approach to HE and with their individual expertise on distance and blended learning
in HE a student centred approach in the developed outputs of the project.
Start date of activity
Cultural Heritage, Protection, Climate Change
Last update: 12/03/2025