Research project

PRIN 2020 ENRICH (DIT.AD013.056)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Sicurezza della Società (DIT.AD013)

Structure responsible for the research project

Construction technologies institute (ITC)

Project manager

Phone number: 029806306


Italian healthcare and hospital facilities (HHFs) should be resilient and guarantee operativity in case of sanitary emergencies and Italian healthcare and hospital facilities (HHFs) should be resilient and guarantee operativity in case of sanitary emergencies and natural hazards. The ongoing pandemic and the recent earthquakes pointed out the deficiency of HHFs regarding their resilience. The multi-risk associated with sanitary and seismic emergencies can be burdensome for HHFs, especially regarding nonstructural components (NCs).
The project is multidisciplinary, follows a multicriteria approach and will produce multilevel targets.
The study will importantly contribute to the research given the significance of the developed technologies, methodologies, findings, and implementation. The project is multidisciplinary and has a very strong applicativecharacter (prototype development).

Start date of activity



resilience, public health care and epidemiology, seismic risk

Last update: 21/03/2025