LIBS, Raman and XRF techniques application in cultural heritage of Montenegro
- Project leaders
- Vincenzo Palleschi, Jovan Mirkovic
- Agreement
- MONTENEGRO - MoS-not in force - Ministero della Scienza del Montenegro
- Call
- CNR/MoS biennio 2019-2020 2019-2020
- Department
- Chemical sciences and materials technology
- Thematic area
- Chemical sciences and materials technology
- Status of the project
- New
Research proposal
The Cultural and Archaeological Heritage of Montenegro spans a wide temporal range from prehistory to Greek, Roman and Bizantine periods, up to modern and contemporary Arts. However, the richness and uniqueness of Montenegro culture and its enormous potential is still poorly exploited, because of the lack of a generalized approach to diagnostics, conservation and valorization of this patrimony.
The present project is aimed to the establishment of the conditions for the creation in Montenegro of a new generation of researchers in Art and Archaeology diagnostics, based on modern physical, chemical and geological techniques. Diagnostics of Cultural Heritage is the first, essential step in the process of its valorization; it implies the establishment of a mutual dialog between scientist and historian/conservators and the definition of procedures that can be applied, according to the different needs, in Museums or in situ.
The Italian and Montenegrin partners in this project have common scientific and technical background, therefore they can represent an ideal channel for transferring of information and experiences, giving to the Montenegrin partners the possibility of taking advantage of the consolidated experience of the Italian research group, offering at the same time to the CNR Italian partners the access to Cultural Heritage objects and sites that have yet to be studied in depth.
The Applied and Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory of ICCOM/CNR in Pisa is working since at least 15 years for the establishment of a culture of Art conservation based on the application of the most advanced scientific technologies for the safeguard of Art and Archaeology in the Mediterranean Area, which have been applied to the analysis of Cultural Heritage from prehistory to modern and contemporary Art. The project coordinator of the CNR Italian research unit teaches the course of Archaeometry at the University of Pisa and the course of Physical Methods for Restoration (Multispectral Imaging) at the University of Turin. He has led the project 'MONDI' (Monitoring and Diagnostics'), funded by Regione Toscana, aimed at the establishment of a common ground of collaboration between scientific and human culture for diagnostics and conservation of Cultural and Archaeological heritage. The Laboratory is actively working in the study and conservation of contemporary Art (project INDACO - Indagini su Arte Contemporanea). Museum and in-situ analyses have also been performed in Italy and abroad by the Italian research unit (e.g., the recent study of Max Ernst paintings at Guggenheim Museum in Venice, the participation in the European Project EASYREADIT for the study of degraded manuscripts, the 3D survey of the Etruscan Tomb of the Monkey in Chiusi (Siena), the multispectral analysis of the paintings in the Etruscan Blue Demons Tomb in Tarquinia (Viterbo), the experimental campaigns in Israel at the Magdala archaeological site (2014) and in Jerusalem (2015) for the study of the Qumran site findings).
The Italian laboratory is equipped with sophisticated mobile analytical instrumentation for the analysis of Cultural Heritage. In collaboration with the Montenegrin partners, in the last decade the Laboratory has developed a new technique, named LIBS (Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy), capable of producing high-resolution 3D compositional images of the samples. LIBS allows for a fast analysis of a large number of samples; this system will be used for the study of samples provided by the Montenegro colleagues. Researchers from Montenegro be involved in the Laboratory activity in Italy, and the Italian team is expected to collect samples from Montenegro collections and sites and submit them to analyses, in order to finally present the result of the joint research to the scientific community.
Research goals
The goal of this project is the improvement of the process of conservation and valorization of Montenegro Cultural and Archaeological Heritage by establishing the conditions for the creation of a new generation of Montenegrin researchers specialized in the application of scientific physical, chemical and geological techniques for the diagnostics of such patrimony.
The Montenegrin colleagues will learn new research methods by using the latest scientific devices developed by CNR for applications in Art and Archaeology diagnostics, and at the same time the Italian team will have access to objects and sites that have not yet been extensively studied. This will foster further common activities between Montenegro and Italy aimed to the diffusion of the results obtained through TV and newspaper interviews, joint organization of important International meetings devoted to Art Diagnostics and Conservation, and publication of articles and monographies in scientific journals
Last update: 21/03/2025