
The Laboratory of Advanced Analytics on Complex Data (ADA Lab)

ICAR laboratory ADA Lab conducts research in the area of Behavior Computing, a discipline aimed at modelling and analysing the behavior of heterogeneous entities in their environment. Behavior Computing is an important topic in different contexts including: consumer analytics, social computing, fraud detection, and group decision-making. The goal of ADA Lab in this context is twofold.
First, defining mathematical models that allow to analyse, understand, and predict actions made by entities in their environment. ADA Lab devises novel techniques that can be applied on a broad spectrum of data models including graphs, trees, unstructured data, and sensor/stream data.
Second, turning these abstract models into computational models able to deal with the volume, variety and velocity of complex data. ADA Lab will devise efficient algorithms to be instantiated in scalable data processing solutions (e.g., Distributed/Parallel Systems, the Cloud) capable of handling Big Data.
The expected outcome will be a general and scalable approach to support decision making, which will be tested in two concrete scenarios: Security, where the lab will contribute to novel approaches for terrorist prevention, access/management of sensitive information, and intrusion/fraud/anomaly detection; Complex System Analysis and Optimization, where the lab will devise techniques to analyse, optimize and make predictions about the structure of complex systems. Examples include: social networks, where the objective is to optimise the user's experience; business process management systems, where the objective is to monitor and improve the way a process is enacted within an organization; knowledge graphs, where the goal is to provide improved information filtering mechanisms.
ADA Lab expected results include the dissemination of research findings in high impact conferences and journals, the release of open source software libraries, and the possible filing of patents.

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