The Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research is composed of four sections including the headquarters in the Research Area in Rome at Area della Ricerca Roma-1, Monterotondo (Rome). The three smaller and complementary Research Units known as Unità Operative di Supporto (U.O.S.) are situated on the campus of the University of Calabria, in Arcavacata di Rende (CS), in the CNR's research area in Florence, (Sesto Fiorentino) and within the Ministry for the Environment and Territorial and marine Protection in Rome.
The Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research (IIA) has researchers involved in national and international networks of excellence, is involved in research, technical development and provides services in numerous sectors related to Air Quality studies. These include the emission, transport and deposition of pollutants in urban and industrial areas, the development of observational and legislative strategies to evaluate the impact on ecosystems of environmental pollution on varying geographical scales. The Institute actively promotes the development of international standards for environmental data sharing and the interoperability of systems and infrastructure. The Institute is also active in the development of integrated analysis systems which aim to integrate observational systems and networks with air quality models, in order to provide socio-economic analyses which will be a resource for the implementation of European directives and international treaties on national and international scales.