Institute for chemical and physical processes (IPCF)


Structural heterogenities over nanometer scale in room temperature ionic liquids

Room temperature ionic liquids represent a novel class of materials that is attracting a great applicative interest due to their negligible vapour pressure and tunability of physical-chemical properties. They are typically built up by a bulk, asymmetric cation, bearing a side alkyl chain and a fluorinated anion. The charge delocalization hinders the crystallization, thus leading to a wide stability range for the liquid phase. As a consequence of the amorphous nature of the liquid state of these ...

Third generation photovoltaic devices: conversion of solar energy in electric and chemistry thanks to the natural dyes conteins in the fruits

The study of the condensed matter, and the mechanisms that govern the behaviors of their constituting molecules is a fascinating topic. The curiosity to discover their properties stimulates the creativeness of the researchers that look it in order to exploit knowledges both for mere scientific aims and for their applications. These efforts are contributing to widen the cultural patrimony of the society and its general development. Solar cells: Unlike to silicon cells, known as photovoltaics, ...

Epitassia di nanoaggregati di palladio su MgO(100)

Nell'articolo "Epitaxy, truncations, and overhangs in palladium nanoclusters adsorbed on MgO(100)" pubblicato da BARCARO G, FORTUNELLI A., ROSSI G, NITA F, FERRANDO R. su Physical Review Letters, (2007) e' stato sviluppato un metodo per la predizione teorica delle relazioni epitassiali di aggregati metallici adsorbiti su superfici di ossidi. Tale metodo si basa su un approccio combinato potenziali-empirici/funzionale-densita' per la predizione delle strutture di minima energia di sistemi ...

Studio teorico sui meccanismi molecolari di protezione del DNA dalla luce ultravioletta

Il forte assorbimento di luce ultravioletta da parte del DNA può innescare una catena di processi fotochimici con potenziali effetti mutagenici. Canali di decadimento molto efficaci convertono in maniera ultraveloce (nella scala dei tempi dei picosecondi) l'energia elettronica in vibrazioni e quindi calore, permettendo una forte limitazione dei danni senza richiedere dispendiose operazioni di riparazione del DNA danneggiato. La comprensione a livello molecolare di questi processi è ancora ...

Fotovoltaico di terza generazione: conversione di energia solare in elettrica e chimica grazie ai coloranti naturali presenti nei frutti (2007)

Lo studio della struttura della materia, dei meccanismi e dei comportamenti delle molecole che la costituiscono, è affascinante. La curiosità di capire come queste si organizzano e scoprirne le proprietà, stimola la creatività dei ricercatori che cercano di sfruttare tali conoscenze sia per meri interessi scientifici che applicativi; contribuendo così, ad ampliare il patrimonio culturale della società ed il suo generale sviluppo. Celle solari e dintorni: A differenza di quelle più famose ...


The controlled production of radioactive isotopes from stable materials (nuclear activation) is a process of relevant interest for both medical applications and advanced technologies, including the optimization of the fuel cycle in the nuclear energy plants. The nuclear activation of a variety of samples is currently obtained with large accelerators or in the nuclear plants itself. Since the advent of powerful lasers delivering ultrashort pulses, the possibility was envisaged of obtaining ...


The use of coloured materials has represented the deep necessity for a more defined representation of reality and for an enrichment of images. This use improves as time goes together with the development of knowledge and experience until nowadays. A number of different coloured substances, organic and inorganic one, has been used in the time to realize decorations on every kind of objects: amphoras, glass materials, medieval manuscripts, wall paint and so on. Nevertheless, the ...

Promotion and coordination of the GSOMEN project (EC FP6 STRP)

Transition metal nanoclusters (i.e., self-assembled particles less than 10-100 nm in diameter) have gained increasing attention in science and application in the last several years, due to the observation of properties that are unique to the nanoscale domain. A considerable body of knowledge has been accumulated on these materials showing that they have many fascinating potential uses, including quantum dots, quantum computers and devices, data storage devices, nanoscale ferromagnets, ...