Institute for research on population and social policies (IRPPS)


IRPPS' strategic objectives:

To adapt the corpus of research performed to suit the needs of society in its specific areas of competence, which comprise:
population dynamics, migration policies and dynamics, social and demographic behaviour, gender studies, welfare, social integration, research, innovation and training policy, teaching and public communication of science, globalization, social informatics and social computing, electronic health care.

To provide tools and cognitive methods for applying research results in a broad socio-economic context

It carrying on its activity as a research Institute it can draw on numerous national and international collaborations, also in the form of conventions and consortia, with Italian and foreign universities and entities and also participates in policy and research networks (OECD, EU, Unesco, European Science Foundation). The Institute is currently party to a number of contracts and benefits from funding from the European Commission, public agencies and local authorities, as well as from private corporations and bodies.