Institute of cognitive sciences and technologies (ISTC)
SWARM-BOTS: Evolving coordinated behaviours in groups of robots
This research is being carried out in the field of autonomous collective robotics. The primary goal of the research is investigating principles to automatically design the controllers of autonomous robots that have to coordinate in order to accomplish common tasks. In the long term this research will lead to applications in areas such as open field and marine monitoring, people rescuing, stock automatic transport, traffic control, material routing. The research is also investigating principles ...
A working prototype was built that enables a blind person to perceive a painting through touch and hearing, exploiting the phenomenon of synesthesia. Seeing a painting presents for the blind person two problems: form and color. A painting is a 2D representation of a 3D object, which engages the perceiving subject in cognitively reconstructing the full 3D objects. This may be solved through some kind of appropriate tactual experience. Color, however, cannot be tactually perceived: it is a purely ...
Software Tools for Space Mission Planning
Space missions present many challenges for today's information technology, by providing intrinsically difficult problems. These problems enclose the many critical requirements of space missions, namely efficiency, flexibility and robustness.
Various techniques used in Artificial Intelligence have found an application in the context of space missions, among which Planning and Scheduling. These disciplines are studied by a research group which has now been active for many years at the Institute ...
A pilot project on rehabilitation in Huntington's disease as a model of chronic degenerative genetic disease
The increasing relevance of genetic diseases in the context of the Health National Service and their being associated with lack of cure and severe handicap suggested a pilot project on motor and cognitive rehabilitation in Huntington's disease taken as a model of chronic degenerative genetic disease.
Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant, neurodegenerative disorder, charcterized by three different groups of symptoms: movement disorders, psichiatric manifestations and cognitive ...
Agenti virtuali animati con Facce Parlanti
Definizione e applicazioni.
Gli Agenti Virtuali con Faccia Parlante costitutiscono la più recente proposta per una interazione uomo-macchina più robusta e più naturale rispetto agli attuali sistemi unimodali di sintesi e di riconoscimento automatico del parlato. Sono sistemi più naturali perchè si propongono di riprodurre l'interazione comunicativa umana faccia-a-faccia nella quale l'informazione viene scambiata lungo i canali uditivo e visivo attraverso messaggi verbali, intonazione, ...
The development of new technologies in the field of the automatic treatment of human language are essential for an effective utilization of new multimodal and multimedia systems built with the eventual goal of enabling people to communicate with machines using natural communication skills. Advances in human language technology (HLT) offer the promise of nearly universal access to on-line information and services. Since almost everyone speaks and understands a language, the ...