Institute for animal production system in mediterranean environment (ISPAAM)
Environmental biomonitoring by cytogenetic test on animals grazing in risk areas
Animals, especially those fed with natural pasture, represent real environmental sentinels. Indeed, being them fed with local plants and soil (taken together with grass) in place of breeding, give an idea of the degree of contamination of food and of the food chain. Indeed, many mutagenic substances present in the environment pass through animal products, to humans, laying the foundations for the onset of abnormal clinical picture (reproductive, hormonal and immune disorders). Check these ...
The cytogenetic map in domestic sheep (Ovis aries, 2n=54)
The sheep (Ovis aries, 2n=54) is one of the most economically important livestock species, especially in the Mediterranean Countries. Although linkage and radiation hybrid maps are available, cytogenetic maps found in Web sites are still very poor and built, among other things, on old standard karyotypes. The recent construction of standard karyotypes in domestic bovids, including that of the sheep, based on both high resolution banded models, use of molecular markers and homologous chromosome ...
Formulation of the Dairy Replacement Problem by using a Markovian Decision Process Approach and Linear Programming.
The "replacement problem" has been frequently studied in literature utilising different methodologies. The method traditionally used to solve this problem is to formulate it as a decisional Markovian Process and to optimise it using Dynamic Programming (DP). There are, however, problems associated with the use of DP. The decision to cull is based solely upon the expected performance of the animal in question and that of it's replacement. Therefore, information concerning the cows performance in ...
The cytogenetic map in the genetic improvement of domestic river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50)
Since the construction and publication of river buffalo standard karyotype with six different chromosome banding techniques, the laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping of the ISPAAM has been focalised part of its scientific activity in the genetic improvement of river buffalo, a species of great economic importance in the world, with about 130,000 million of heads, and in Italy, with about 220,000, mostly in Campania region (Southern Italy).
Our studies have been addressed to both ...
Proteomic Analysis of bovine tissues and biological fluids
Nonostante la limitatezza dei dati disponibili sul genoma bovino, rispetto a quelli relativi a uomo e topo, sono state identificate le proteine più abbondanti in ciascun tessuto. In particolare, è stato ottenuto esito positivo per diverse centinaia di specie proteiche che sono state così associate ai rispettivi geni. I dati ottenuti potranno in futuro risultare basilari per la corretta comprensione dei complessi processi fisiologici e/o metabolici che regolano l'adattamento di quest'animale ...
Proteomic Analysis of bovine tissues and biological fluids
To provide a complete molecular description of the fundamental mechanisms necessary for cell life, a series of studies on different organisms are now undergoing to characterize the whole pattern of proteins expression. Different Proteome projects have been activated in the world and their interest grows together with the increased availability of new genetic data. The scientific community realized that, once the entire genome of an organism have been sequenced, to understand the molecular ...