Technical Instructions for Construction
The development of design codes for construction is believed to play a crucial role in the outgrowth of a modern industrial community. Furthermore, that also helps meeting the safety requirements while promoting the transfer of technological innovation, and opening the global market to fair and equitable competition.
Within this context, the National Research Council (Cnr) has been playing an active role in the technical culture of Italy since its foundation. For more than fifty years, the Cnr activity- which resulted in the formulation of Design Codes, Instructions and specific Recommendations - has been supported by general agreement.
Appreciation and acknowledgement have been the natural outcome of such a modus operandi, which is founded on the solid ethics of the scientific method, as well as on the wide dissemination of information and on the fruitful discussion between universities, which are responsible for the creation and the establishment of knowledge, technicians, manufacturers, and users.
Nowadays, following its own tradition, the National Research Council retrieves its role as a regulatory actor in circumstances marked by high innovation, and delivers a new series of Technical Instructions whose first part is devoted to the growing domain connected to the utilization of composite materials for construction.
The new Instructions, thanks to the CNR Advisory Committee on Technical Recommendations for Construction (Prof. Antonio Occhiuzzi, Chairman), are here presented both in the form of a provisional text submitted to public enquiry, and in their final form. To all their users, and particularly to those who might wish to contribute to their further development, goes our gratitude and acknowledgement.
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Documents (PDF file):
- Cnr DT 200 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures - Materials, RC and PC structures, masonry structures
- Cnr DT 200 R1 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures - Materials, RC and PC structures, masonry structures (first revision)
- Cnr DT 201 Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures - Timber structures
- Cnr DT 202 Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures - Metallic structures
- Cnr DT 203 Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars
- Cnr DT 204 Guide for the Design and Construction of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Cnr DT 205 Guide for the Design and Construction of Structures made of FRP Pultruded Elements
- Cnr DT 207 Guide for the assessment of wind actions and effects on structures
- Cnr DT 210 Guide for the Design, Construction and Control of Buildings with Structural Glass Elements
- Cnr DT 212 Guide for the Probabilistic Assessment of the Seismic Safety of Existing Buildings
- Cnr DT 214/2018 Guide to Design of Structures for Robustness
- Cnr DT 215/2018 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced Inorganic Matrix Systems for Strenghtening Existing Structures
For design codes edited between 1967-2000, please contact Cnr Publishing staff, email:
Last update: 10/12/2024