The Third International School on Physics and Technology of Matter:"New frontiers in down-scaled materials and devices: realization and investigation by advanced methods"
Dal 15/09/2014 ore 09.00 al 20/09/2014 ore 12.00
Basiliani Resort Hotel, Otranto (Lecce)
Following the experience of the previous years, the International School on the “New frontiers in down-scaled materials and devices: realization and investigation by advanced methods” this year is jointly organized by the Department of Physical Sciences and Technology of Matter and the Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technology, National Research Council, and will be held in Otranto (Italy) in the period 15-20 September 2014.
The School will cover some fundamental aspects of :
- synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures
- modelling and fabrication of nanodevices;
- characterization through advanced structural, spectroscopic, magnetic and electronic characterization methods, including modelling.
In a frame of down-scaling approach, the School is thought to give a perspective on some of both fundamental and new frontiers activities in the fields of materials science, technological processes, devices, industrial applications with an emphasis on their connections. The consequences and impact of the multidisciplinary aspects will be analyzed in several different contexts.
Aims of the school are:
- To broaden and deepen the background knowledge of young researchers, early-career scientists, PhD students and post-docs, in the general areas of the fabrication and characterization of: colloidal nanomaterials, nanostructures, graphene-based materials, oxides, nano-materials for energy and sensing applications, organic spintronics and biosensors, nanodevices, through a series of advanced lectures given by well recognized experts in these fields.
- To provide a perspective of the latest research and new frontier trends in these areas.
The schedule of the School is intensive with a rich program including formal lectures and discussion sessions, including a session for young researchers poster presentation. Some social events will help to create a stimulating and friendly atmosphere for interaction and learning. The daily program typically runs from 09.00-13.00 and from 17.00-20.00, with afternoon sessions being a combination of non-lecture activities, seminars and poster discussions.
Organizzato da:
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Tecnologia della Materia (DSFTM) e Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei materiali (DSCTM)
- Camera di Commercio di Lecce
- SENS&MICRO LAB - Laboratorio Regionale per la Realizzazione di Sensori e Microsistemi Avanzati
Referente organizzativo:
Pietro Siciliano
CNR - Istituto per la microelettronica e microsistemi
Via Monteroni
About the location: the Basiliani Resort Hotel ( is located in Otranto, a famous tourist resort in the far eastern edge of the Italian peninsula named Salento (Puglia). The city, thanks to its geographical location, is a natural gateway between Western and Eastern civilizations, and represented, since antiquity, the point of connection and integration of socio-cultural and artistic experiences for ethnic groups from different backgrounds. The Hotel lies behind the city, in the heart of the fertile valley of Memories, a witness of civilization, art and culture which brings the history of Otranto beyond its walls. A pleasant and unique spell welcomes body and spirit. Amid odors of olive and oleander thirsty you breathe the well-being to keep yourself amused between thermal treatments and pleasures of the soul. Therefore synergy of the nature and human creation give you harmony multisensory.
Leave the A14 motorway at Bari North exit and follow directions
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