
Seasonal Forecasts and Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin: Integrated Approaches

Dal 19/10/2015 ore 09.00 al 23/10/2015 ore 17.30

Area di Ricerca CNR
via Madonna del Piano, 10
50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) - ITALY

The purpose of this week-long course is to build capacities for the application of climate seasonal forecasts for water management in the Mediterranean countries.

Climatic variability and related risks are affecting water availability for multipurpose uses, while the water demand is dramatically rising. Agriculture is just one of the many sectors demanding an improvement in water management, being in competition with other economic activities where water uses ensure greater economic value such as energy, tourism, industry.

Since the late 90’s seasonal forecasts experienced a growing role, despite the large uncertainties still present. Recent advances in seasonal to interannual hydro-climatic predictions provide an opportunity for developing a proactive approach towards water management. Precipitation and temperature anomalies knowledge, available a few months early, could be useful for technical services and organizations on managing water resources. At the same time, methods and scientific results are still underexploited and not easily accessible and comprehensible for potential users.

According with the Global Framework for Climate Services, the course addresses the need to develop mechanisms for delivery of climate services for water managers and users and for enabling risk mitigation strategies at various levels and identifying research and transfer demand by end-users. This training course will contribute to the strengthening of existing regional networks for the application of seasonal forecast (MedCOF, PRESANORD, SEECOF).

Organizzato da:
Istituto di Biometeorologia - WMO-RTC

Referente organizzativo:
Vieri Tarchiani
CNR - Istituto di biometeorologia
Via Giovanni Caproni, 8
50145 Firenze
The face-to-face course will be preceeded by an online session which will take place during the week 5-9 October 2015

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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