
BBMEC12 - The 12th International Workshop on Biosensors and BioAnalytical Microtechniques for Environmental, Food and Clinical Analysis

Dal 25/09/2017 ore 14.00 al 29/09/2017 ore 14.00

CNR, sede centrale, P.le Aldo Moro

BBMEC12 è patrocinata da International Association for Environmental Analytical Chemistry  (IAEAC) e ospitata dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
BBMEC12 è patrocinata da International Association for Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) e ospitata dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

The International Workshop on Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microtechniques for Environmental, Food and Clinical Analyses (BBMEC) has evolved since its inception in 1994 from a mainly European-based biosensor conference to a truly international world-wide known gathering of our premier biosensor researchers. It ranks among the most important biosensor conferences world-wide. Researches from over 20 countries and typically all major regions of the world including the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe gather here. In general the conference is designed with single sessions, held for 2.5 days and targets participation of about 150 researchers to provide good bases for in-depth discussions and networking similar to Gordon Conferences.  

BBMEC started in 1994 in Paris organized by Marie-Claire Hennion. It was held three times in North America (Las Vegas in 1998, Ithaca in 2001 and Montreal in 2009) and once in India (in 2007). Its associated organization is the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC):

As in the previous edition in Regensburg (2015) , the goal of BBMEC12 conference is to further develop the successful BBMEC series and implement valuable features from other conferences in order to further increase the conference’s quality and attractiveness. The 12th BBMEC features thus include:

  • Many Invited and Keynote lectures by renowned researchers
  • Increases impact on the presentation of cutting-edge ideas
  • Discussion of unpublished data is mandatory
  • Increases the importance and urgency of data provided
  • Increases the need and desire of lively discussions with audience
  • Increasing the prominence and importance of the poster session
  • Enables all attendees to prominently discuss their research
  • Best posters will be selected for prizes
  • A pre-conference graduate student/postdoc symposium is organized
  • Similar to the Graduate Research Seminar (GRS) series of Gordon conferences
  • Enables many young scientists to give oral presentations and discuss among their peers

Organizzato da:
International Association on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC)

Referente organizzativo:
Roberto Pilloton
CNR - Istituto di cristallografia
Via Salaria km 29,300
CNR- Area della ricerca di Roma 1, IC, st.7

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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